Daily food intake


Im curious what your little ones eat through out the day... My daughter has only gained 14oz since 6 months. Shes slowly moving down on percentiles from 60% at 6 months to 34% at 10 months. the drs keep saying "make sure shes eating". Maybe im not feeding her enough? this is her usual feedings

6:30- wakes up and nurses

7:30/8:00- breakfast which is usually eggs, pancakes, french toast, toast w/ pb, or a yogart

9:00 nurses to sleep for nap

10:30- snack (fruit, crackers or cherri-o)

12:30- lunch (cut up ham and cheese with bread and sometimes a fnruit) or an avacado

1:30/2- nurses to sleep for nap number 2

3:00- small snack (when brothers have a snack after school

She will.nurse.one more time before dinner

5:00/5:30- dinner.. balanced dinner, meat, starch, and veggie

7:00/7:30- nurses before bed

What does everyone think? am I feeding her enough?