Overdramatic but hurt.

Dest • 17

My bf is really great, but tonight he made a joke and it was funny at first but then him and his friend kept laughing about it and bringing it up. What made me mad in the first place was that he was laughing at me basically. And then when i tried to explain why i was mad he said i was overreacting. And yes i admit i could’ve been a bit more calm about it but I’m on my period and i take everything so much more to heart than i usually do. But what made me so upset was that he kept repeating it. It’s like he’s making me feel guilty for feeling how i do. I know he doesn’t mean to but he still does and it hurts. And when he apologizes it doesn’t feel sincere. It feels like he’s just saying it to make things better when they’re not. Then on top of that he didn’t say i love you when he left. Like idk how to feel and I’m just upset. I guess why i posted this is to get justification and see others peoples views on it.