Commit or not?


I have a best friend who I have known for 8+ years. He is the greatest friend a girl could ask for. There were a couple times when we went months/years of not talking, but we always found our way back and picked up our conversations like it had never stopped. We don't see each others too often as we live in different parts of the country. Over the past year alot has changed, not only with the death of my daughter's father which I'm still learning to cope with, but also with the strong feelings I now have for my best friend. At the beginning of our friendship we had sex a couple of times, but I knew it wouldn't result in anything more. But just this past year alone, I find myself wanting more than a friendship. He knows most all of my secrets, one of the few who has stuck around in the most crucial time of my life. Lately, he has been sending me a lot of mixed signals. One day he is sexting me, the next he is sending me short and brief responses. I don't want to mess up our friendship, but I'm also not getting any younger. Has anyone had a similar situation or any advice on how to go about with possibly perusing a relationship with him.