
Myra • MGAVINI Wife / Mama / Believer / Insta @themyragavini Diagnosed with IC in 2016 👼🏻 Haven in heaven + 👶🏻 Jet on earth

Went into my 39+2 appointment 11/15 and am now 4cm dilated, 80% effaced and baby boy is at -2 station. Baby is weighing big for my stature (I’m 4’ll), Doctor said he may be 8lbs. Scheduled me for induction night of Friday, 11/17 due to baby’s size.

Around 11:15pm on 11/15, I used the bathroom to pee and stood up and felt a pop and my underwear suddenly got warm and heavy. Lots of mucus and discharge came out and wipes after were wet, both legs were also wet. I thought this was it as I am still praying for labor to start naturally 🙏🏼

Checked into the hospital and my swab was negative for amniotic fluid. Doctor was called and sent me home. So we will be back tomorrow night! Praying labor will start naturally before then.