Getting up early all of the sudden!?


My little one was 6 months on the 14th. He has always been a good nighttime sleeper and would sleep from around 830pm-9am. Since Sunday he’s all of the sudden been getting up earlier and the normal before sticking the pacifier in and he would go back to sleep isn’t working! (He started getting up at 830, then 8, yesterday was 730 and today was 545!). His napping has been a bit off, he’s been fighting them like crazy. My husband is home with him in the morning and his trend has been only 45-60 min (although yesterday I️ think bc he was so tired it was 2 hours) and then in the afternoon he is at daycare which is my sisters, he used to go down around 130 and he’s been fighting it till as late as 4-5. We’ve always tried to keep a very consistent schedule and routine with him. Anyone else going through this or know how to fix it!? My husband gets home at 2am so these early morning wake ups are hard on him!