Help !!

I need help everyone. i thought my divorce was over, but it isn't . I sent out the papers and I thought my ex signed it and took it to the courthouse to file it. He said he did, but in truth he got them threw them away and lied to my face about it. He then disappeared and I Haven't been able to find him, that is until he contacted my mom saying he'll sign them now, because he's now engaged. This whole time I thought my divorce was over and it fucking wasn't, I told my now bf that it was. Now I seem like a liar and I don't know how to tell him this 😠. I'm so pissed off I don't even know what to think, I thought my last name would've been switched back but it's not (I told my bf my maiden last name because I thought it was over, and I was waiting for my paper) because I don't have any paper, well no fucking wonder I haven't received it because he never went through with it. How the heck do I break this to him? How would you guys? It's been 4.5 months now, I should have known that he didn't go through with it.

P.s please no mean comments I'm already stressed and anxiety ridden .

I appreciate in advance thank you