help please

so last week i had softball practice and we were conditioning, i got a very horrible feeling (very increased heart rate, head ache, dizziness). The next morning i was still feeling the same, I threw up 5 times (it included what i ate the night before) and felt nauseous all day. I felt this for 4 days so my mother thought i had the flu. But now, 6 days past my softball practice, I feel hungry but can barely eat. I get full off of 2 bites. Nothing tastes good to me anymore. I used to be sexually active but have not had sex in 3 weeks, I used protection and he did not finish inside me (even with the condom on). I ovulated and now i’m 5 days away from AF, do I have the Flu or are these early pregnancy symptoms?

(I’m 15 please be nice.)

Thank you!!