Vaginal seeding? Anyone considering a swab for good bacteria for baby?


So I realize this isn't for everyone. There's SOME research, that is very positive, but not enough. The gist is: after baby is born, especially in the case of a c-section, to swab your vagina and then inoculate baby's face and body with it. It is meant to mimic the exposure to mom's good flora, and get their digestive system off to a good start.

The research on it shows a decrease in baby's eczema, asthma, allergies overall. Possible benefits for colic and digestive issues. Some research on how hospital based flora (whatever they pick up that isn't from mom) can contribute to obesity (!!).

I wanted to hear if any moms have thought about it, done it, heard about it... what their doctors said, etc!

And there's no need to post anything immature like "ew." It doesn't contribute to the conversation. TIA