Depressed 😥😥


I have been back and forth with horrible contractions for the past 2 weeks and not really getting anywhere. I'm 3cm and 50% effaced as of Tues. and I'm so uncomfortable and ready to have this little girl. I can barely walk due to her being so low my left leg gives out almost constantly and now I can't sleep at all literally am lucky to get a couple HRS a day with all the pain and uncomfortable feelings smh I'm just so over the pregnant faze I just want my body back and my baby girl to come out I can't take it anymore 😭😭😭😭 Currently 38+2 didn't think I would even go this far due to having to get injections since 15weeks but now I'm beginning to feel like she's never gonna come out and I'm gonna just be pregnant forever the docs told me usually after stopping the injections woman usually go in by 38 weeks and here I am just stuck ughhhhhhhh COME OUT LITTLE GIRL MOMMY AND DADDY AND YOUR BIG BROTHER R WAITING ❤❤