So I’ve not really liked my mil since day one. She’s always been extra obsessive towards her son and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it, because he’s a momma’s boy. Before we got married or even had our 4 children, she wouldn’t be so persistent towards him. Now since were married and I’m supposed to be the number one woman in his life, she’s jealous and she is doing everything in her bitchy power to try to get rid of me. She talks to my husband every single day, almost in hopes to be nosey (which she really is) and try to make us seem like she cares the most about him. She’s almost like that psycho ex girlfriend that won’t go away (which I wish she would,) it just makes me feel so weirded out and even hurt, because I tell him how I feel in hopes he will say something to her but he won’t. He’s too far shoved up her ass to see what’s right in front of his eyes. It also makes me mad because he has never or wouldn’t ever be mean or “disrespectful” to her when he is to everyone else in his family, including me. And everyone else does wayyy more for him and always has. Im so far in competition with this woman and my own husband, my marriage is circling the drain and this will be What sends me off. What can I do?