Ready for my turn😔

Taylor • Ttc #3❤️. 2 angel babies👼🏻

Well AF just arrived 2 days early after I could have swore I was pregnant this month. Going on our 7th month of trying since our miscarriage in June. I'm just so confused, with my daughter (that we lost in February due to her health problems) and my miscarriage we were able to get pregnant so fast. Now it just seems like it's not going to happen😭 I know so many women have been trying much longer and I'm so sorry I wish we could all get pregnant as soon as we wanted. Trying to conceive is supposed to be fun and I used to look forward to it. My daughters heavenly birthday is next month and I hope to give my husband the gift of being a daddy again❤️ going to try out preseed, anyone have any other ideas for me to try?