Nonexistent Cycle


Hi ladies,

I’ll start by laying out the facts, maybe someone has been through this before or has some insight into what’s going on with my body: my last cycle was 08/05-08/08. I took a PT about 1 1/2 months ago and it was negative. I went to the doctor last week and they did a test there too - it was negative also. He did a pelvic exam and was concerned that I had sensitive on my left side. The doctor ordered blood work to be done, the best I can remember was that they were looking for the hormone to produce periods. Long story short, the tests came back normal. So I SHOULD be having my period, but nothing’s been going on since August. The doctor ordered an U/S to see what’s going on, which I’ll need to schedule ASAP (I will share the results once I get it done). I get regular pains (like cramps) like if my period is on it’s way, but it’s nothing. I’m stressed and I can’t wrap my head around why I’m not getting my period if I’m not pregnant.