
Sorry to be so negative but i just really have to rant for a moment. Back story.. my parents were young first of all 17 and 19 with 3 kids. shit didn't work out. bio mom split and only wanted my older sister (14 months older) so dad GLADLY took me and my younger brother(fought for my sister but turns out in the end she wasnt his)... fast forward, today. im 21.. shes 23. she started popping out kids at the AGE OF 13. now has 4 kids. all different dad's, heavy drug user. been arrested several times on drug charges and just found out shes pregnant with her 5th. A friend of mine is her oldest sons teacher... he complains constantly about being hungry and coming to school with no breakfast, ect.... and here i am... i have a good job. Decent house. an absolutely wonderful SO and have been trying to have a baby for over a year. I cant help but cry my eyes out.... Why God.. Why can she pop out kids left and right but i cant be blessed with one child.. i promise ill love and care for them unconditionally.... Im sorry you guys... i just feel so heart broken for this situation as a whole 💔💔💔