2018 is gonna be my year!


so the end of 2017 is coming been ttc for almost three years. been to three doc all say the same thing I good great and still nothing. I really want to grt my husband sperm checked but with him working out of town its hard. hell I travel a lot just too see him. we both been taken vitamins the one a day conception couple pack, cQ10, probiotic everyday for a good three months just to help quality of a reproduction system.. we have been on and off smoker since before TTC which I know is not good ( NO judging) I have tired to quit a few times longest I went was about 6months. husband didn't at all. well I know that vaping is still in the air with not really knowing how good it is for you or if its not good at all anyhow. we started vaping two weeks ago both of two of us. started with 3mg of nicotine and now I am at 1.5mg of nicotine. I am hoping to get to 0mg and quit all together because we are gonna have a baby in 2018. I am proud of my husband because he also dips and smokes and he hasn't had either of it..