Tww of Letrozole Cycle Lean Pcos


So, this was my first Cycle with Letrozole. I️ developed 4 follicles above 12mm on cd 13. I️ had another scan on cd 17 and the follicles were all gone or had irregular borders. I️ have a estrogen and progesterone draw today to see if I️ ovulated or not since it can’t be confirmed on u/s. If I️ O’d it would’ve been around Tuesday night or Wednesday Morning. It’s Friday so if I️ O’d, I’m in the TWW. We did the BD on Sunday and Tuesday so I️ think the bases are covered. I️ don’t feel anything out of the ordinary. My breasts are not full or tender at all, no cramps. Can’t want to find out if I ovulated or not but if not I️ have to say I’ll be a bit disappointed.