Family photo time...Let's see em y'all😊😁


Everyday I see all of us woman trying our best to hold things together, wail trying to conceive. Then becoming stressed because that AF shows her unholy face. After reading many stories I've realized there is a point, we all experience the feeling of "will I ever have another child or will I have a child at all"? We need to remind each other family is everything!! So please take the time to share your family photos with my hopes of bringing forth some great memories we all have experienced, while keeping in mind our families are what fuels or soul. Baby dust to all!!

Memory lane.......

Brenin👆Our twins at 12 months. 👆Kane

They're first day of Pre-K

They turned 6 last month ❤️❤️ Brenin 👆.

Kane 👇

Our princess Aurora 24 months

She turns 4 in February ❤️❤️.

My children were all born on the 06 of the month. Love my 06 babies !!


My whole world

Just by taking the time to go trough my photos, it brought back so many great memories....I hope I can inspire others to take just 5 mins to go through their photos to remind yourself that this is what we are trying for everyday!! Our families ❤️❤️ best luck to everyone and have a good day.