

So I just left being a teacher for 3 year olds for three Ana half years to be a nanny. Well I could stand workin at the school that i did. To much drama!!!!! ANYWAYS The family I am working for now has a 3 month old. She has only been 3 months for a week now and she has no schedule what so ever! I am with her three days a week from 9-6 and she has some kind of schedule with me but when she is with her parents she downer nap allllllllllll day she is awake from 8am to 6 or 7 pm! They want her to eat 6oz at every feeding and tell me they want her to sleep past 4am and not feed then and have her feed at 6am cuz that works better for them. At this age she needs 3-4 or maybe 5oz at each feeding and feeding every 3-4 hrs and take like 3-4 naps at 1hr -1 1/2hrs. I am doing my best to get her on a schedule that works FOR HER! Not for me not for her parents.

Am I crazy? I have a 5 year old son and have worked with newborns a lot!

I have suggested sleep training her in her room. A noise Machine and darker blinds but dad said NO in a strong voice and he also said he want her on all solids by 6 months old with no bottle! Omfg! Baby’s do t work that way!!!!!!!!!!!


What do y’all mommies think?!