Found this article intriguing!

It seems so easy to get sucked in, I even feel guilty for not caving to the social norms of today, like technology. Especially when I see a friend post a video of their baby swiping to the right animal name... but then they see the real animal and shy away because it's not on a screen. I LOVED playing outside and would have to do chores before getting to do so, it was rewarding fun and liberating. I always felt or feel shitty if I sit in front of a screen for an extended time, I guess it's just not something I've ever been drawn to. And I have had friends who got sucked in to the video game world and missed a LOT of childhood experience so my aversion to many of the norms of today is Deep rooted in how I was raised.

How do you all plan to try and break the cycle? Let's lift each other up and share parenting hacks or ideas that increase creativity, integrity, and character.