What’s the worst part about being a SAHM to you?

I think the worst part about being a SAHM to me! Is the cleaning!

I hate being the only that EVER cleans.

Like, if I don’t clean, it won’t get done.

I haven’t done dishes in 2 days, and there is not a single clean pan, or fork in this house. WHY!? Ugh, and the trash!? If I don’t take it out it will sit there and just consume more and more trash to the point it is falling out of the trash can all over the freaking flood!!

I don’t know how many times I have told my S/O to help a little bit. He spills coffee all over the counter and just leaves it! Why!?!?

He left his bowl of cereal in our bedroom beside the bed for 2 nights and now the cereal and milk is dried so to the bowl it won’t come off.
