In need of Advice.

My S/O and i decided we wanted to try and have a baby together a few months back. We tried for 3 months and always got a negative. After the the third month of trying, he came home from work one day and decided he didn't want to keep trying anymore. He said it was because we aren't financially stable, which isn't true at all! I didn't want to try to get under his skin about the topic, so i agreed and left it alone. What doesnt make sense to me is every time we have fun in the bedroom, he still finishes in me. Fast forward 2 months... we've been having fun like we normally do and now he's been really distant towards me. I'm thinking it's because work is taking its toll on him. I'm just confused on this whole situation and I'm just looking for input from outside sources. In my opinion, I feel like he's secretly still trying because we both really wanted this but every negative we got brought both of our hopes down...