How to tell my mom to move out 😫😢😭 REALLY LONG POST

Diana • Wife. Mama to Elijah Born March 21 2018 💙 Toronto living

It seems like such a simple task but I get very sad and emotional when I think about asking my momma to move out. Backstory, I'm an only child. Just me, my mom and my dad. My dad is nice, he has lots faults but he was also great with me. Now marriage wise, not so nice, my parents have been together since they were 14 years old. He's very volatile and my mom is not one to back down either. I lived in an unhealthy home, when the good days were good but the bad days were BAD. Last year November I got married, moved out and was living my best life. When I got a phone call from my mom, she was hiding in their room in a closet because my dad had become so enraged that she went to the gym (he likes to control all her moves) that he started taking out knifes. She was scared to death, so I called my husband he was almost home from work and we bolted to my parents apartment where luckily I still had keys to. I came instead and he was seeing red. I ran to the room pulled my mom out, my dad tried to hit me and her for leaving and thank god my husband was there because he just lifted him up and we all ran out. It was crazy and I felt broken seeing my parents turn to this. Our home has 2 rooms and we called our spare room our baby room. I was diagnosed with pcos 2 and half years ago and never fell pregnant for the 6 years that were together and we never used protection. So we didn't think this baby room was going to be used for a while. I left my mom stay in our spare room, where else would she go? All of our family is in Colombia where she was born and raised. But in June when she was away in Colombia I found out I was pregnant. Big surprise! But now I am 23 weeks

pregnant and I want my baby room back and so does my husband, more him than me. Living with his MIL has not been easy on him. How do I tell my momma who has been through so much to just move out? Do I even do it? Or just have the baby in our room and not do a nursery that I have always dreamt of? Advice would be great