How do you feel about prenups

I personally agree with them. I don't think you should get married to be financially taken care of and MANY people do that. I don't believe a spouse is entitled to half in most cases. I also think each partner should be independent and financially stable. I just think most people with them are smart. You can love someone deeply but not be naive. The goal is to stay together for life but life is not a fairytale. I honestly think each person should be able to provide financially for themselves and care for the children. I think if there is big financial gap between two parties you should definitely get a prenupt. I see so many celebrity wives that are so lazy and don't even work, cook, or clean demand half of someone's hard earned money. men do it too. it angers me because this is the biggest reason why ppl don't want to get married. Too much to lose. A prenup prevents money being an issue and makes it fair. opinions????

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