My wish came true!!!!


I have been praying and praying for a Christmas announcement. ⛄️🎁🎉 We have been trying to conceive for a year and a half. This year I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started on synthroid. I had to put TTC on the back burner to get myself healthy. I got the call this month that my levels were FINALLY normal and I could start <a href="">IUI</a> this next cycle. But I guess I don't need it now!!

Also for those of you who feel like you "know" but no one believes you, I really knew right away. I had multiple vivid dreams about having a baby, and I've been very tired napping a lot. Also I put peperonni in my ice cream a few days ago, so I was like something is up! (I normally HATE pepperoni 🍕🤢) I'm 13 DPO, and had cramps with lots of clear discharge. Good luck to all of you, it really does happen when it's supposed to! Baby dust to all of you!!!

Sitting here eating pepperoni and crying lol