My Korean birth story


so hubby and i were stationed inn Korea for two years, found out i was 9 weeks pregnant when we got there. Anyways, my due date was January 1st. Christmas morning i woke up p at 3am to what i thought at the time was BH as i was able to go back to sleep until 5 when i couldn't anymore. We got up, did our present opening and got breakfast, these contraction just weren't going away so i called or nurse line for OB about 8am. they were so adamant that because it wad my first it couldn't be real labor and gave me a lost off things to try and see if they go away and nothing helped, at 4pm i called back and they said if they got less than 10 minutes apart to come in and get checked, but it probably want real, at this point they were about 15-20 minutes apart. My husband and i started looking at the bus schedule, because 1 hr bus ride or 2 hour drive in a crazy country in a Beater car that probably wouldn't make it... Anyways we stated ruining things and finally caught the bus at 750 on Christmas, contractions were about 8-10 minutes apart. We get yup the hospital on the army base in Seoul and its about 9pm and they said "oh yeah, youre 5cm dilated. " so we finally get all checked in by 10pm and the doctor asks if he could break my water, and determined not to have this kid on christmas i told him not until midnight just in case. he came back at 1am and broke my water, no drugs at this point, i wanted to see how things went, but man after he did i begged for that epidural. i was able to sleep until 8am when the nurse walked in and asked how my contractions were (they were every minute) and i told her i didn't know. that epidural spelled great! so 2 1/2 hours of pushing because i didn't know what i was doing and any almost dislocated hip, my son was born at 1021am at 7lbs7oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Here he is about 8 months, and he'll be 2 this year!