I think I’m depressed ?


Hey guys , I needed someone to vent to and I don’t have anyone at the moment so I figured you guys could help me. I feel like since my second and third trimester I’ve been down. I don’t feel cute or pretty and it seems like it’s hard to get my boyfriends attention. He’s always playing the game or something and although the shows me a little affection here and here I feel like it’s not enough....my sex drive isn’t even high anymore at all like I don’t want to do it because I just don’t feel like I’m myself. My boyfriend is pretty good to me but I still feel alone for some reason or maybe even depressed. I feel fat and just ugh.. and then I’m also worried that having the baby will change our relationship... I’m a FTM so I don’t know what to expect... and also sometimes when I am kinda feeling up to having a little “fun” with my boyfriend he blows me off. For the past few days I’ve been asking him for sex and he tells me later , or I’m tired or not right now or wait til you get back from such and such. Anytime I tell my boyfriend no to sex cuz I’m tired and don’t feel good he gets mad and frustrated and basically keeps messing with me and pestering me until I give in to him and I feel like that’s not fair, because if I do it to him he yells at me or pushes me off of him. I don’t know if it’s just me being hormonal or what but I’m seriously about to cry 😢 I feel so ugh down . And depressed .