No heartbeat .. update


My husband and I have just found out we are expecting our little rainbow baby.. I had really bad cramps at the begin of this pregnancy so I had an early scan at 6w3d. They couldn't find a heartbeat but told me not to worry because everything else looked fine. I've now had to have a string of blood test to test my hcg levels but won't see the doctor until next week. Has this happened to anyone else and they've been able to found a heartbeat?


Just had my doctors appointment. My hcg levels had gone from 5000 to 8000 over three days so slightly but not good enough. I was told my little one just isn't strong enough that the heartbeat just isn't strong enough and I should prepare for another miscarriage. I've got another blood test tomorrow just to see where my hcg levels are going and then by the end of the week I should have another scan to confirm if I'm having another miscarriage.. it was definitely not what I wanted to hear, I don't think I'll cope with another lose but there is nothing we can do about it, just have to wait and see ..