Now im getting concerned

Katherine • HEY!!! Well! I'm 22, married to the worlds best husband, have almost a perfect picture life, and couldn't ask for anything more then what God's given me 💖

Hey guys, this have nothing to do with my period or having a baby but i need some advice/council.. For the last 3 or so years I've been having issues remembering and concentrationg on one thing. Does anyone else in my age group (18-25) go through the same thing or even After the babys born up to 2 years later. Its starting to become a strain on my relationship with my family and i dont have medical insurance to go c a neurologist or a shrink, but i do need some help. its getting to the point my family doesnt even want to talk to me because im so out in left field and dont know how to come back to focus... Anyone, even a little encouragement would do me some

good right now.