Implantation Bleeding?


So a few days ago I had a tiny amount of blood and I was thinking that it could be implantation bleeding (but still possibly my period barely starting.) Then yesterday I had a little more blood but it seemed a bit brighter blood like my period so I put a tampon in. But then when I pulled the tampon out later, there was only a little bit of brown blood. I kept using a tampon because I thought it was just the start of my period but whenever I pulled the tampon out it would just be barely any brown blood or no blood at all. I’ve been having a little bit of cramps but I normally don’t cramp until the first day of my period. And I know that cramping can be an early sign of pregnancy.

I think it’s about time where I can test. But idk, my period doesn’t always start on the exact same date. But I NEED to take one because I’ve been thinking about it so much lately and just need to settle my thoughts. My period would have started any day from 2 days ago to 2 days later from today.

Not asking if I’m pregnant because only a pregnancy test can tell me 😬 But does it sound like it could have been implantation bleeding? There’s no blood at all anymore and still slight cramping.