What is wrong with me???


I am so frustrated and angry and sad and confused as to why I have been trying for the last 16 months and nothing. I am 34.... my twin sister has two kids..... I don’t get it!!

Does anyone have an opinion on whether the following things might be impacting fertility??

My thyroid is slightly overactive, but drs don’t want to treat it where it’s at, only Monitor it.

I take an anti-depressant, celexa every day. My dr said it does not impact fertility.

I was tested for pcos and no, my ovaries are free and clear.

Last January, I collapsed and cracked my head open and was in the icu for a bit due to a hematoma.

I also dropped down to 85 lbs, from my usual 105, assumed to be due from the wacky thyroid.

I have tested positive for Epstein Barr, which I heard may impact fertility.

I know this sounds like a lot, and it prob makes sense that fertility has been strained.... but all the dr’s say that it may or may not affect fertility.

Really looking for feedback.... it’s hard to find someone to talk to about such a difficult topic!
