I recently had my first baby. I Get 6 months off from work, and I'm fast approaching a go back date. Currently on a wait list for a daycare center, and feeling uneasy about going through with daycare for my child.

My husband and I have talked about me staying at home, but he wants me to make my own desicion. To be honest, I think I'd feel guilty staying at home. All of my women friends work.

I've worked since I was 17. I feel productive and I make good money.

It makes sense for me to stay because daycare alone will cost $1200 a month. I'm super apprehensive of my baby's care. And I wanted to start looking for another job anyway.

I guess my issue is being embarrased about being asked what I do for a living, and having to answer "I'm a stay at home mom."

Has anyone else felt this way?

Am I being superficial?

Is this weird?

No ofence to any stay at home moms. This is just me venting about the way I feel about myself.