I’m lost.

So today was okay I guess. This morning my mom and I were looking through old pictures of our pets when they were babies. Then we stumbled upon a picture of me from 5th grade. I felt uncomfortable and unhappy with that picture. I was molested in 5th grade by someone who should’ve been there to protect me. So anyways I go about my day and I’m just feeling some serious deja vu. I was feeling very scared and unhappy and I just couldn’t stop thinking about my old house and how unhappy thinking about that picture made me. I cried and I just did not feel like myself. I was just being reminded of my past. I guess I may have been triggered. I’m 18 now and it happened 7 or 8 years ago. But now that I’m starting to let go of what happened this happened to me today.

Do any of you know what this is? Or have any of you been through this? I’m still kind of lost with what happened.