Starting to get alittel discouraged!!!

Jessica • Dispatcher,Married,I have 2 kids and my husband has 3.

It's been on my mind lately alot,what if I can't get pregnant anymore. When I was 21 I got pregnant and when I was 23 I got pregnant and I have a beautiful daughter from my last pregnancy,but lately I've been trying to conceive(Since February) and it just hasn't happen yet. I bought an <a href="">ovulation tracker</a> and it keeps saying I'm not ovulating,maybe the 5 yrs of being on the patch takes longer to get out of my system. I'm 45lbs heavier then I was when I was 23,I'm 29 yrs old and on my first treatment of Clomid. Just starting to feel discouraged,maybe me and my husband just don't match,maybe it'll take us 6 yrs like some of these ladies. I'm just feeling like I'll never get to experience having a child with my husband