Idk what to do with myself

My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months now coming up on 6. we started our relationship back in June when he was home for leave because he's a marine. so basically I made the decision to start a relationship with him knowing he would leave and I wouldn't see him again for 5-6 months. flash forward 5 months and we're making plans on him coming home. His unit kept switching around plans on when leave block was and whether or not they were going to go to Japan or Syria. It through me for an emotional loop. Once I had an understanding of what was going to happen, him and I made plans for him to come home during thanksgiving break Bc I have schooling other times. we made all these plans on what we were going to do, I was on ft with him when he bought his ticket, and I was in the phone when he told me his leave request got submitted. I was so excited. For once we finally had set plans. I was going to see him. And I can say without a doubt I love him and it hurts everyday I'm away from him. Last night (11/17/17) he was set to fly out from California to where I live , about 2,000+ miles away. He was pushing it close on time. And I told him multiple times he needed to leave now so he could get to the airport in time. Well him and his buddy left a little later than what was planned. They got there on time but there were a few complications with getting his boarding pass and checking his bags. By the time they got it working he had 33 mins till the flight left. But he couldn't get on Bc there's a rule you have to check your bags 35 mins in advance. So he missed his flight. And I have to wait a whole month before I see him again. I'm honestly so heart broken b. He promised me he was coming home, and everything was fine but then it all got fucked up at the very last second. I haven't been able to really get out of bed today Bc I'm so sad. I got too excited and happy that it felt like a truck hit me when he texted me telling me he'd see me next month ( I later got a call explaining to me everything). I think what gets the most is he doesn't seem as upset ab it as I am. I'm sure he is though I just wish he'd express it. He keeps telling me to look on the bright side that he's gonna come home for Christmas instead, but that's a month away. And he says that's not a long time, but to me it is. I don't know whether I'm mad at him or at the staff at the airport or at life or maybe just all of it. I just don't get why he didn't leave earlier. He should have left earlier😭...I guess I'm just letting it all out on here bc Idk what else to do. I literally feel like I'm breaking. I love him so much, and this hurt so bad. I could've been hugging him rn.