Sometimes it's nice to hear a success story!


After 2 years of TTC, my husband and I decided to try Clomid. I went through 4 rounds of that with varying dosages and only a positive OPK during one of those cycles. No luck on pregnancy. We stopped trying for a couple months while we waited to get into the fertility doctor. Our timing at the fertility doctor was perfect as it was CD2. The doctor did a scan and put me on 10mg of letrozole right away. I went back on CD 13 for another scan and was able to get the trigger shot (followed by timed intercourse). No luck. Did the exact same thing the next month and BAM! Worked like a charm! I'm about 6 weeks and expecting TWINS in July!! We were even able to hear both heartbeats! Keep thinking positive. Anything can happen ladies! I was about to give up all hope on ever becoming a mom!