After period symptoms I'm having

So my period only lasted 4 days but wasn't heavy at all but I have irregular periods anyways. But I have never had this gooey light white colored discharge before and I don't know if that's normal. And I have had massive headaches to where I can't lift my head off my pillow. And I haven't been sleeping at all, have had some massive nausea some days and the next nothing like right now i feel like I'm going to get sick. I have been wanting to eat nonstop is cheesecake or French fries from only chick fa la but don't have the money to get any so I've been eating cheesecake. It just something is right with me I have this feeling like I'm not myself and I have been so overly emotional I literally cry over anything. I cry when my boyfriend phone dies, I cry over anything I watch on Netflix, I have even cried while I was eating cheesecake it's so so weird... Can anybody give me some helpful advice? I'm also new on this app