Bleeding a week early after MC????

Desiree • wifey 💍 mommy to 4 boys 💙💙💙💙 & a princess 👸🏽 due 9/22/24 💖

Hey ladies, hoping someone could possibly shed some light on this situation. I have very normal 31-32 day cycles, had a chemical pregnancy on October 22nd. Counting that as CD1, positive opk 11/10 (CD20). I’ve had cramping and pelvic pressure every since then. Wednesday the dr did an ultrasound and confirmed I ovulated from my right ovary. I’ve had nonstop pain on that side and stabbing pains in pelvic area. Today I started bleeding, light bleeding but it’s bright red, a lot brighter than my natural period and a week early. I also still have pain, more so on my right side, but also in the center. Is this normal? Anyone go through this? I’m getting scared and it’s the weekend so dr isn’t in. 😢