Need advice on breast feeding


So my LO is 3 weeks old. We just tried a bottle for the first time tonight. I had to express a little bit for comfort and just decided I'd try to give her a bottle concidering she bounces well between nipple, nipple sheild, and pacifier. I held her upright and the bottle horizontal so she still had to work. She did AWESOME. When I had to feed her again, I just breastfed and she went at it like a obviously no nipple confusion. She just wants to eat. Lol. Well, I'm REALLY lucky and my daughter only breastfeeds for about 10-15 min and will get about 3 ounces out(we have a scale and weigh her before and after a feeding just to see). That being said, she will latch and unlatch because my milk flows so fast into her tiny mouth. The latching and unlatching can be very frustrating when I'm tired. So my question is, at night when she wakes up hungry can I pump on demand and give it to her in a bottle and then breastfeed during the day? I won't be skipping a feeding or anything as I'll still be getting up to express and then feed her. I just think it would be smoother on the both of us. I really hope this makes sense. PLEASE if this will somehow tank my supply or anything, let me know. I'm new to this.