Need help


I was with my bf for 8yrs, (I’m 18) the last year or so was difficult. My moods changed (Birth Control) everything he did would just irritate me, so I decided to break up. He is a very nice guy, never cheated, we broke up on good terms. We are still somewhat friends. I decided I had just grown out of him, and I wanted someone who was more manly. It’s been about 2mo, and the last couple of days old feelings have been coming back. He has been in more of my dreams now than when I was ever with him. The thought of him with somebody else would just hurt me, but yet I’m the one that decided to break up. I know if I got back with him things wouldn’t change (He is socially awkward, not so buff) but for some reason I still miss him. I don’t know if I actually miss him more, or if it’s just that I miss being in a relationship. 😭 Any advice would be appreciated.

- I know you aren’t suppose to change someone, and so that’s also why I decided it’d be best if we split

*Sorry it’s kinda all over the place*