ttc after miscarriage question

Ashley • PCOS, Gastric bypass RNY, 34 yearsold

I had a mc on September 21 @ 6 weeks. I've had one period since then and my next af is due on the 28th. I'm noticing some changes in cm compared to last month. I had barely any cm after my supposed ovulation and I'm currently 5dpo and have been getting heavy creamy cm for the past 3 days. do u guys think this could have anything to do with a successful ovulation and impending implantation? What did you notice after ovulation before your bfp?

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Is it possible that you O’d early?


Ashley • Nov 19, 2017
I hope so..... a rainbow would be the perfect Xmas gift for my family


Sam • Nov 19, 2017
Fingers crossed! That could be it!


Ashley • Nov 19, 2017
not sure, I took opks during fertile week and didn't temp this month..... I did bd 2 & 3 days before fertile week started. hopefully that could have already been waiting on an early egg.