Period while on IUD concern!!!!

Seham💞 • Sahoom😘😍 happily married 08/29/13💏💍 My angle born on 09/07/2016🌹❤️👧🏻 Best day of my life

So I got my IUD October,25 last month and I had little Spoting but nothing to even come to the panty so it was barrllly any ! On the 7th I got my period which I was suppose to get on the 10th but it doesn’t matter I was like prolly from the IUD ( Mirana) but my period won’t end !! It’s been 11 days and still bleeding which I never ever got ( period always 6 days)

It’s not as much as first week but there is still blood ! Is it normal for my body adjusting to the iud or what ?