Advice please?

So i’m 17 years old, my boyfriend is the same age as me and we just found out that were expecting. Our families and friends know even though my family isnt happy, i have his family whos happier than ever. Heres the stress of it all, i basically live with my boyfriend now (when im at my moms, its basically me in my room and her in hers with her boyfriend so why would i wanna be there in the first place) and my dad pays us child support. Well my dad just asked where im staying and i said “for right now at my boyfriends” and he came back at me with “well things are gunna have to change and i cant pay your medical bills since i just bought a house”, the only thing that would change is the child support and in the CS agreement, it states that he has to pay my medical bills until I’m 18. My mom is trying to say that i cant live with my boyfriend and she told me that when i see her again (on thanksgiving) were (my boyfriend and i) are gunna feel the “wrath” of her, i really dont need to be under all this stress but its hard because both of my parents are being this way. My moms scared that since i wanna live with my boyfriend, my dads gunna make her pay child support but my mom barely makes anything. I want my family to be there for me and i want them to support me but when they arent even trying, why would i? I have legit no support from my family. So now that im pregnant, i need to start thinking for me and my baby, what do i do at this point? I want a relationship with my parents but im not gunna listen to them complain about me being pregnant all the time.

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Posted at
You and your boyfriend both need to get a job and pay for your choices instead of expecting it out of others


Na • Nov 19, 2017
Also, is it too late for an abortion? That's honestly personally what I would do, even know working full time with a degree. But, that's completely your decision


Na • Nov 19, 2017
Oh and get your own medical insurance. Assuming you're still in school and working part time, you probably won't be able to get benefits through work


Na • Nov 19, 2017
And I'm aware that's really hard. If you need assistance, don't be ashamed to apply. It's available for a reason


Posted at
okay so people are being super shitty to you. i was in the same boat. my parents kicked me out i was 17 when i got pregnant and i had no choice but to live with my boyfriend. he then cheated on me when i was 4 months pregnant i lived with him is a smoke filled house because his mom smokes inside. my parents accepted that i was very unhealthy and hurting super bad and depressed. they let me move back home. they helped me with everything. i did go get on Medicaid and so is my daughter. she is now 8 months old and my mom and dad are my biggest suplort system. they are just scared for you because this is not what they wanted for you. i promise they will support you and your baby in any way you need it!i know she is really little in these pictures but she doesnt like to be held that much anymire because she is moble. just know it will get better. my parents were the only ones in the room with me when i had her. my dad had my right leg and my mom had my left. i promise it will get better. im sorry these people are being so mean to you about it. i worked 2 jobs and still couldnt donit. my parents are the best and they will help you. comment back if you jist need to talk to someone that went through the same thing!!!!!


Kelsey • Nov 19, 2017
i promise everything WILL get better!


Becca • Nov 19, 2017
Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
Ok first off You are an adult now and your dad doesn't have to pay for shit. Go to the welfare office and get on Medicaid. As for your mom, she will come around You need to give her time. You have to understand that her baby is now having a baby and that scares her! I was 18 when I got pregnant and both my parents where very disappointed and scared for me. Don't be so hard on your parents. I'm sure they are probably feeling like they failed you and are just worried about you and your future and this baby. They will grow to love their grand baby. It's time for you and your boyfriend to step up and be adults now. If you feel more comfortable living with your boyfriend you need to step up and explain that to your mom But you also can't push her away because trust me she is going to one of the people you will need the most. My mom and I had a rocky relationship till I was about 20 weeks and then it got so much better because I realized that my mom was the only one I could confide in, ask for help, ask questions, and who would be there if I were to ever fall. I wish you and your boyfriend all the luck and blessings in the world and hope that your relationship with your parents gets better because you are their child and they are the only people that will love you more than life itself .


Cdub • Nov 19, 2017
You're welcome. It's hard work being a young mom but you can get through it as long as you have good support and that means making things right with your family. ❤️


Becca • Nov 19, 2017
Thank you


Posted at
Get your own job if you don’t already have one and focus on yourself and your baby.


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Get Medicaid


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Wtf both get a job cuz life is about to hit you and your bf in the ass real quick. You play you pay...


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so sorry hun wish I had some advice. you should be able to get state medical on your own though


Kelsey • Nov 20, 2017
just know i reported her.. she is beyond rude to everyone. and she needs to be off this app!!!!


Stephanie • Nov 19, 2017
firsr of all she was asking for advice for for everyone to bash her for being 17, they both have jobs that's not her issue. so she doesn't need everyone talking shit, obviously she's mature enough to know she needs to figure something out soon insurance wise


Becca • Nov 19, 2017
Im not a brat? I asked for advice about my parents not for someone to talk shit honey


Posted at
welp,time for you and the boyfriend to grow up and get jobs. idk if you can get medicade though(you can always try) good luck!


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Get a job and get your own medical insurance you were responsible enough to get pregnant so be responsible and find a job and support yourself and your baby.


Posted at
I️ have the same sort of problem myself. If you need anyone to talk to you I’m here! It’s good to have someone who understands


Kelsey • Nov 19, 2017
im here for both of you!!! if you need anything you let me know!!!!


Becca • Nov 19, 2017
Thank you so much❤️ im here for you!