When should I test again?


Hi ladies,

Looking for some advice. Had my D&C; on 9/25. Before my miscarriage my cycles were regular and 26 days. My first cycle after my miscarriage began on 10/22 on CD 28, so I’m thinking ok things are on track right?

I was supposed to ovulate according to Glow on 11/4 (CD 13) but I’m thinking I ovulated later because I had ewcm all the way through 11/7 (CD 17) which is unusual for me.

I’m now on CD 29 and my period is 2 days late and so far 2 BFNs, one on 11/16 and one yesterday, both with FMU. I’m not exactly getting signs of my period coming but I’m not really getting signs of pregnancy either. However if I was actually pregnant wouldn’t I see a BFP by now? Especially considering my cycles were regular and short before the miscarriage? I am still seeing quite a bit of white/creamy cm when normally I would be drying up a little.

So when should I test again? And has anyone had problems with irregular cycles after miscarriage when they were regular before?