Can somebody please help me/ give me an answer


I literally feel like my body is broken like Idk wtf is wrong with me. When I've hooked up with other guys I'm always wet and they always comment on how wet I am. But with this guy I've been hooking up with I'm literally not wet and idk why??? I'm horny and he turns me on but I'm not wet or nearly as wet as I should be. I dont know if it's me or him. He eats me out kisses my neck and stuff like that so he does foreplay but I'm still not nearly as wet as I should be. Is it bc of my mentality is it my mind blocking me? Is it him? Is he too fast or too aggressive or I don't know?? I'm so upset to the point I wanna cry Bc itsso embarrassing and i cant cum and I want to fucking have fun and just hook up but it doesn't ever work out. UGH PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWERS OR SUGGESTIONS OR SOEMTHING