Christmas Presents


Ugh! What do you get for kids who don't need anything? lol Our kids are spoiled and have anything they could ever need! He wants to get our daughter who will be 3 by Christmas a drum set.... I'm like okayyy.... she doesn't really need that just because that's what she says she wants (he plays guitar, he used to be in a band and his brother plays drums in a band that's becoming pretty well known) plus where tf are we gonna put it?? lol so whatever I guess if that's what he wants to get her then he's just gonna do it anyways. But now I don't know what to get our 5 year old (his daughter, my stepdaughter) She never wants to do anything but watch tv, play video games, play the tablet. Which I'm totally not ok with that being all she ever does, I literally have to shut the TV off and tell her to go find something to do and use her imagination because I just don't feel like they should be glued to electronics all the time. But last year they got a huge barbie house, have a ton of barbies and she never uses them, never plays with her kitchen set she has, always wants toys like shopkins and stuff but then doesn't play with them. I am totally out of ideas and have no idea what to get her :/ I wanted to get them a bunkbed set and new bedding because they really don't need anymore toys and will get toys from other people anyways, plus we have a baby on the way and the girls will be moved to the same bedroom so to me, the bunk beds make sense. But dad doesn't want to do that because "that's not a cool.present" he was spoiled growing up so he doesn't think it's a cool enougho idea. I was not spoiled, my mom was broke and one year my sister and I got bunk beds and we were so freaking excited lol Ugh. I just don't know. What do you get kids that have everything??