Transfer this morning

JayMarie • Wife 👸🏾🤴🏽 Bonus Mom 👨‍👩‍👧 Miscarriage 10-14 Ectopic Pregnancy 9-17 👼🏾👼🏾 IVF Journey

We transfer our beautiful embryo today! Let the two week wait begin! Stick baby stick, make yourself comfortable. Momma can’t wait to meet you in 9 month 😘


I’m 9dp5dt today,

I have been testing since 6dp5dt (Hubby and I could not wait) had faint line, it has gotten darker each day. This is the test from this morning. Seeing the word brought so much joy to our hearts ♥️ Praying 🙏🏾 that all is well! BETA in the morning.