Struggling to find a Sperm donor?

Catherine • 30+yo • Please let it be our turn soon 🙏🏼
Hi ladies,
My wife and I have paid so much money for bank sperm over the last year and we recently came across a website called “”. In a few short days I  have had so many guys contact me offering us their sperm for free for AI. Many in our local area and all over the USA and many other countries. To top it off, I have spoken to a few over the phone and we were so surprised just how normal they were. I have no idea why we have been paying over $900 for one vial of sperm! 
The website is a little confusing to navigate at first, but as soon as your work it out, it’s a terrific resource. There are no fees to even use the website.
Just spreading the information incase there are any other couples like us, who didn’t know this resource existed. Good luck!