Soooo confused!!!! 😩😩😩

Heather • wife & mommy of two

Okay ladies just a little background info— I am not on any medicines, no lifestyle change, my last period was Oct.19-23. Usually my period lasts for about a week. I had some light pink spotting only when I would wipe about 3 days after my cycle ended, had intercourse that night which was very painful and had some pretty heavy bleeding afterwards. Made a doctors appointment and they said they think all it was was ovulation spotting and maybe a blood filled cyst rupture which caused the heavy bleeding. Not sure if I agree with that but whatever. So anyways doc said to wait a week before having intercourse again. The bleeding subsided about a day later but the cramps and low back pain are still here. It’s not too terrible to where I feel like I need to go to the ER but they are painful and very aggravating. The low back pain is dull feeling, and like I said I think it’s just more uncomfortable than super painful. But I just don’t know what to do! Anyone ever had anything like this?

We are ttc for baby #2 and I took a FRER test a week before period which was negative, then another two days later which was negative and took a Clearblue 3 days before period which was negative. Had a doctors appointment day of missed period and I’m assuming they did a urine test then and since he didn’t come in and say “congrats! You’re pregnant” I’m taking that as another negative. I am now 3 days late and worried to test again because I really don’t want to see another negative. 😢 but I have been so convinced that this is my month. My boobs have been tender and I had never had any spotting like I did during my ovulation week before.