I'm Curious


After losing my virginity I had sex like 10 times in the space of three weeks, one day we even powered through four times because we were just so frustrated, is this normal? My boyfriend says it's normal to be this hormonal after having sex for the first time but part of me is worried that it's gonna become the main thing in our relationship which I don't want to happen. Also, did anyone feel oddly clingy to their man after the first time or is that just me?

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After I lost my virginity to my ex, we'd have sex a minimum of 9 times a week… I couldn't get enough of it 😂 but after a while you'll both mellow out :)


Kirsten • Nov 20, 2017
thank god, I felt like such a dirty not gonna lie😂


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Majority of girls get extremely attached to the person they lose their virginity to, so that's normal, just don't push him away. Everyone's sex drive is different so as long as you both are happy with the amount of sex you are having then it's all good.


Kirsten • Nov 20, 2017
i like to think I do communicate with him quote well, because he doesn't show his emotions that much it always gets me paranoid, like I'm way too attached if you get me?


Ca • Nov 19, 2017
the best thing you can do is communicate communicate communicate with him.


Kirsten • Nov 19, 2017
see what worries me is I was so innocent before I met him, I guess it worries me how quick everything is changing but I mean he's way less attached than me but I just always wanna tell him I love him or constantly be in his arms, I was worse the first couple times because I thought it was a personal thing but now I realise that if he doesn't pay full attention to me after sex it's just a guy thing