asking for too much?

ladies I really need some advice. Am I asking for too much here? So, my husband got offered a position that's an hour and 20min away from where we live. He wants us to move but I want him to commute. The thing is that we have no money saved up. We are living in a wonderful townhouse with a landlord that's great. He let us in with our terrible credit that's under 600 and works with us if we are late on the rent which is only 850. My husband wants us to move to an area that's super expensive with absolutely no money. how the fuck are we gonna do that you ask? Well he wants us to move in with his mom and grandma in a two bedroom apartment for 4 months until he saves up some money, but my concern is after that. I would have to leave job and I hate that. I have a part time Nanny job that allows me to bring our 16 month with me so we don't have to pay for childcare. When we move I would stay home with her for find a job and pay for childcare. My other option is to stay with my grandma up here until he gets a place down there, but that will spit us up. I don't understand why he can't just commute until if we save enough money for a place that's in the middle so I won't have to leave my job. He wants to move us into places where my daughter and me will barley have a room to stay in? He's only getting 34,600 a year at this new job so I feel like it's not really worth it. That amount of money will not take care all three of us plus our bills. and childcare will eat my check up. plus I'm still in school so I will have to commute twice a week for class. He thinks we won't be able to save money if we continued to live here. I know we can. it will just take time. but am I being unreasonable?