Prayers please!

I'm 27 weeks and am across the country from my SO...I had a job offer come up I wanted to take so we agreed we would do long distance for a year while he pursued his career where we were. A month after I moved (with my 4 YO from another relationship) I found out I was pregnant and here we are. It hasn't been easy but I've had faith that it will be worth it and we truly are excited for this little boy to come into our lives. Feeling blessed by the fact that although he's unexpected baby looks healthy and is on the right track.

Now the hard part. My SO was laid off this past Monday and the severance will in no way float things for long at all. It was already going to be tight for maternity leave but now it just feels like it's going to be brutal. In spite of this I really know we will be ok because I've been through hard times before and it always works out. The person I'm worried about is him - he's terribly depressed and won't join us on this side of the country because he "refuses to be a burden" (although I've tried to explain that actually at 27 weeks having another adult here would be a huge help). He's embarrassed and feels like a failure and is drowning in debt on the opposite coast.

This is an amazing community of people so I'm hoping for some encouragement for my little family...and if you happen to be spiritual, some prayers would be appreciated. It's certainly not the worst thing that could have happened but it's also not the sort of curveball and stress anyone wants going into a third trimester.

Thanks for reading.. 💛